Financing Options as a Graduate Student
We offer several tuition financing options, including direct payments, a monthly payment plan and federal student loans. You may also combine these options into a personalized financing solution that works for you. Be sure to include the student's name and college ID on all forms of payment and correspondence.
Forms of Direct Payment
Electronic check payments can be made using Smith’s billing system, CASHNet. Students access CASHNet through the Finances application on their Workday homepage. Other payers, who have been granted access by a student, can access CASHNet here.
For information on how to use CASHNet, students will find step-by-step job aids and video tutorials on the Workday Help site. We suggest you start with the Job Aid: Accessing CASHNet & CASHNet Overview. We also have step-by-step job aids and video tutorials available for payers. We suggest you start with the job aid Accessing CASHNet & CASHNet Overview - Payer.
Job Aids
Checks or money orders (including outside scholarships, 529 Plans, and tuition benefit checks) should be made payable to "Smith College" in U.S. dollars, and drawn on a U.S. bank. Be sure that the student ID number is clearly written on the check.
Please mail payment and remittance stub to:
Smith College
Student Financial Services
College Hall 106
10 Elm Street
Northampton, MA 01063-0021
Express mail and all other correspondence may be mailed to this address as well.
Cash payments may only be made at the cashier's window, College Hall, Room 103. The cashier is open Monday through Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Bank wires and wire transfers are accepted forms of payment for students with accounts. Please visit Flywire.
Smith College accepts 529 Plan payments. The 529 Plan payments can be mailed to the SFS Office. Some 529 Plans can be paid through CASHNet. Please refer to CASHNet for additional information.
CASHNet Monthly Payment Plan
Contact Graduate & Special Programs
Seelye Hall 209
2 Seelye Drive
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-3050 Email:
Associate Dean of the Faculty/
Dean for Academic Development:
Hélène Visentin
Program Coordinator: Ruth Morgan